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Innovation Management: Design Thinking Is Not Enough (PART 2)

Image Credit:  Before starting Part 2, I would like to note up front that  in business modelling and organisational design there is no one-size-fits-all-permanent-patch. There are only tools that fit at a given time and for a given purpose . This is because the variables in business and in an organisation constantly evolve and solutions also have to adapt to fit. In  PART 1  of this series on Transforming your business, we recommended expanding the design thinking approach by adopting a Systems Thinking approach to help provide a much-needed understanding of the underlying issues which often derail innovation agendas because they are ignored or not adequately framed and understood. I received useful offline feedback from a few senior folk across different industries who showed business model fatigue having tried several over the years. Most agreed poor implementation was a major cause of either lack of progress or partial success of their innovat

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Design Thinking Is Not Enough: Transform Your Business with these 2 steps (Part 1)

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