NEW! Make a Video Call with Firefox Hello!

The one thing you can be sure of in today's world is The Intersection. Where technology firms and any number of industries collide joyfully. In this instance, its a tech company Firefox combining with a telecommunications company - Telefónica to provide a cool new product. Firefox has for the past 12 years championed a free and safe to use internet and the success of their browser - half a billion users around the world as at December 2014 - suggests their cause is supported by many.

They are not however done with just making the internet free and safe, they now also want to make it more fun. Welcome Firefox Hello. 

Firefox Hello is basically a Communication Plug in to the Firefox browser which allows users make and receive free video and voice calls. Neat right? Pretty much like Skype and Hangout.

It however does not even require that you have to sign up before you can use it as long as your friend is also online. It's light and easy to use. Only downside is you need to have a Firefox browser to use so its not universal access like Skype. 

That however will likely not be a major stumbling block to millions of users who want to experience that quick video or voice catch up with someone - friend, client, business partners, journalists, activists, family. Screen shot below. 

It originally came out in Beta mode October 2014 and this is still more of a beta version but is now ready for the public to test drive and enjoy. We expect updates to it will allow more than 2 people to connect simultaneously. Works well with mobile web browsers as well. 

Free. You wouldn't expect anything less from Firefox.

Try it and let us know what you think about it.  It could open up a whole new tech race. 


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